Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationship people make? Has this become a positive or negative development? (IELTS Writing Task)

According to me, it can be said that the way people communicate with each other now has changed drastically as compared to an earlier time. In the earlier time, it was time taking task for communication between two different people; the people used to communicate through writing letters or talking face-to-face by travelling a long distance. As at that time there was also no proper facilities for transportation faster, resulting in taking much time for travelling from one place to another. Whereas in recent time the technology has been so advanced that one can talk with another person very easily & in very less time. There is the availability of telephones, the internet, mobile phones, etc. through which one can talk with another person by roaming also. Also, there has been an increased in the usage of messaging applications. The conversation can take place between two-person through instant messaging. There can also be set up of video calling through which two-person can talk by seeing each other.

It can be said that due to the advance in technologies, it is easier to make a friend from any corner of the world nowadays. As there are many social sites available through which one can easily connect with the other person who is staying miles away. They can chat, voice call and also can see each other through the internet. Sometimes talking with the virtual friend, getting much more engaged, decreases the time we spent with the real friends, family members, who are really next to us. We can get so much busy in talking on the social sites, that we may forget that we are having a real-life to be lived. Also according to the study & research, it is said that more time on the internet can lead to depression or loneliness, which directly or indirectly affects the real relationships which are widely prevailing in the real world.

There are both positive as well as a negative development in the relationship due to the advance in technologies. In a few cases, it brings positive development such as easily connecting with strange people, making new friends, etc. Whereas it can lead to slight negative development as compared to positive development. For example, the person who is spending more time on the internet can lead to several problems, it can make the person lazy, etc. Thus it can be said that technology has its own positive as well as a negative development.

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