Friday, January 3, 2020

Good things come to those who moves on and wait

If you will be remembering good memories. But then you will start feeling bad suddenly. You will be missing everything and will be hurting yourself. You just need to stay focused. You constantly need to say to the mind for getting happy and start concentrating on the present moments and what to do after this. Mind continuously tries to make you do something for getting in contact with that person. It will suggest to message them, text them, call them, post some stories, or do something through which the other person can react. You just need to detach from that thing. The good thing has occurred which is good, but now you need to focus on your life for you and the surrounding ones.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Emotional Attachment can hurt without any reason!

Feeling quite better than yesterday. The day has been a little bit easier than yesterday. But the yes the mind going on again and again back to that memories and making me feel depressed. Yesterday only I have talked with D Grandfather who told me that you may be missing the celebration time from home at one side of your mind which may you know at all. So yes maybe that's the case but yes mostly it was missing D sister. The main solution is just you need to forget it whenever it tries to come to the main sight. So yeah I have been quite able to forget everything and mainly focus on the present moment. So yes for the whole day I was working on my cv and cover letter with my mother's brother who has been quite helping me with it. This has been so bad which I am trying to recover but never been able to get any solution. I can easily get attached easily with anyone especially females having any relationship whether it is family or friend. It is nothing related to something different it's just the warmth of special time which I have spent and mainly nature which I miss so much and want that like thing but it's so difficult to accept the fact that it is not going to happen. That also I know that the other person is having some priorities work in their life to do. So I cant get the time which I need from them definitely. But still, it is thinking of it again and again and brokes me down. Also, the studies which sometimes I quite enjoy but not every time sometimes makes it difficult. I just not enjoy it. I need someone friend with whom I can concentrate on the studies every time. Because it becomes difficult for concentrating on the main things for a long time. So for that, I have kept episodes or series or movies to watch. Through which I will tell my mind that I am watching a movie only and not studying. So that after my mind will start getting bored from the movie and will get tensed for the study so that I can shift to that.

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